

hi from usa, checking out different pepper communities across the world. Lots of cool things happening everywhere.

hallo von usa, Check-out verschiedenen Pfeffer Gemeinden auf der ganzen Welt. Viele coole Dinge geschehen überall.
Hi from Austria,

do you understand german? Otherwise it could be hard for you to catch up with the community ;)

Anywho...I wish you lots of fun here!
google translate does ok haha, pictures are best.
I work for german company ABB

Google Translate tut ok haha, Bilder sind am besten.
Ich arbeite für Deutsch Unternehmen ABB
there are lots of interesting pictures to look at, indeed :)

Besides of improving your "Chili Skills", you could also improve your german a little when you are here all the time....two birds with one stone ;)
Welcome juanitos!
I wish you a lot of fun here and of course good luck with your season 2015 :)
Hi juanitos!!

Hope you will have lots of fun here! :)
Maybe you got some Seeds we cant get here! What do you grow?
Hi from the middle of Europe.
Hope you'll have a lot of fun with your hot peppers.

Sorry to say that, but Google translate will not be exact enough.
You should really practice your German.
Hi and welcome... :)

I wish you a lot of fun in our community and good luck with your season2015...
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