Penny 2014


Hi everyone,

Here are some pictures of my gardens, as well as my grow list for 2014, its a mix of peppers and tomatoes.....enjoy!!

Darn snow!!


Ok is my list so far, all started yesterday....its a mix of both peppers and tomatoes.....

Its a mixture of tomatoes and peppers....

calabresse marzetto pepper x2

mrs maxwells pink beefsteak tomato

7 pot yellow pepper

green Serrano pepper

Coeur de beouf tomato

indigo rose blue tomato....trial

kardia karpos red f5 tomato.....trial

sweet paprika pepper

big orange from amuz tomato

black seaman tomato

Hungarian tomato pepper

hot paper lantern habanero pepper

aji omnicolor pepper

petite Marseille pepper

esplette pepper

amish paste tomato

pink tiger pepper x2

aji pineapple pepper x2

black pearl pepper

bugarian tomato

Croatian bullheart tomato

jimmy nardello pepper

Egyptian tomato

Oregon spring tomato

McClintocks big pink tomato

Macedonian tomato

thai dragon pepper

black pearl pepper

Anaheim pepper

catarina pepper

pink ping pong tomato

pepperoni pepper

manx marvel tomato

antonovka tomato

japenese black triefle tomato

pailette aranconi pepper

pasilla poblano pepper

purple tiger pepper

big jim pepper

santa fe grande pepper

peach habanero pepper

ancho pepper

jelly bean tomato

black zebra tomato

bhut jolokia pepper

pinoccio tomato

yellow pear tomato

pero pepper x3

isis candy tomato x3

jimmy nardello pepper

Tobago sweet yellow pepper

poblano pepper x3

wapsipinitan peach tomato

tobacco pepper

peppadew pepper

ildi tomato

And if I didn't mention it on my list, I have the Carolina reaper started too.
Hey Penny,

looks nice. :thumbup:
The garden kinda looks like a German "Schrebergarten".

Your list is fantastic. I wish i could plant this much plants.

I keep reading your thread. (Ist das so korrektes Englisch?)
Boah, there is also a sun in Canada. :whistling: ( A joke)

You have a beautiful garden and a great chili list. Good luck in 2014 ! :thumbup:
What a beautiful garden and a beautiful little snow-covered house :thumbup:
Great list :w00t:
Good luck
Hi Penny,

you have an awesome garden! :eek: Which part of the world is this?
I wish you all the best this season with that wonderfull list! :w00t:
Joki schrieb:
Hi Penny,

you have an awesome garden! :eek: Which part of the world is this?
I wish you all the best this season with that wonderfull list! :w00t:

Hi there,

I'm in Ontario, Canada, about 2 hours north of Toronto.;)
Wow, your garden looks lovely. Seems like you spend a lot of time in it. Thumbs up!
And your list is quite impressiv I have to say. I will surely follow your thread.
Keep the pictures coming :)
Thank you everyone, I'll be sure to post some pictures for you, as I've now got lots of sprouts.
I wish you success for you 2014 grow.
You garden is really lovely. I like the winter pic :heart:
Wow, what a lovely garden! :heart:
I also like the snow pic - I haven't seen snow this winter season yet, only rain... :(

Your tomato/pepper list is also very interesting! :cool:
The Carolina Reaper is my only variation that didn't germinate up to now...

I wish you all the best for the upcoming gardening season! :)

And yes: We all would love to see some sprouts! :D :D
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