AIASP World Championship of Ping Pong Pepper Growing Contest - 2013



The Association "AIASP" index for the year 2013, the first race of cultivation
International cultivation called WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP OF 'HOT' PING PONG.

The event is open to all amateur growers, members and non-members who want to test their ability to cultivate. The purpose of the competition is to cultivate a pepper plant (any species / variety can be used) inside a ping pong ball.

The minimum target will be to bring the pepper plant to fruition (and ripe fruits attachments). Participation in the competition is free.

The following rules governing participation:

1. To be eligible to enroll in the forum ( / forum) and send an email at with the subject WCHPP writing in "I Want
Participate "indicating full name along with the nickname used on the predicted forum;

2. And 'the obligation of the person concerned to register on the forum AIASP because it will create a Topic with your name, where they will be posted photos of the plant (or plants) by writing the names of the varieties (you can compete with up to 3 varieties);

3. The race begins April 1 and ends on September 30 (also valid for the other competitor’s hemisphere);

4. The ping pong ball must be on the top of a hole with a diameter of 1 cm and max on the bottom of a hole with a diameter of 0.5 cm max useful for water drainage. You are forbidden to let the roots grow out of the drainage hole (if any roots appear, they must be cut off). To check if the competitor is in good faith, will post once a week a photo of the plant on the forum of the Association ( / forum) in section prepared for the race;

5. Full freedom is given to the participants to choose the type of soil and the technique of fertilization to take (leaf, liquid, etc.);

6. The final picture will be posted within the deadline of the competition in
dedicated section of the forum AIASP ( / forum). Are allowed a maximum of 3 photos of the own plant (front, from above and one with a reference metric together with photo of the top and bottom holes);

7. A first selection of plants will be presented by the participants started the race. The first six who have had the highest score will be submitted to the jury
Steering Committee dell'AIASP which in turn will award the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize;

8. The plants will be evaluated based on the following parameters:

a. Appearance overview: score 1-10;
b. All attachments between fruit and ripe score from 1 to 10;
c. Luxuriance Foliar score 1-10

The winners must notify their address to 'email
AIl winners will be awarded prizes offered by our sponsors, in particular:

· First Place: Cup bid dall'AIASP, 1 bottle of sauce offered by PITBULL
JungleRain, Bottle of 1 liter of LG81 and bottle 1 liter of Gerhumin L.Gobbi
offered by New Fertil, good spending € 10 for the purchase of products on the site Simonetti Srl;

· Second place: Cup bid dall'AIASP sauce DRAGON BERRY offered by
JungleRain, bottle of 1 liter of Gerhumin L.Gobbi offered by New Fertil, good spending by € 10 to purchase products on the site Simonetti Srl

· Third place: Cup bid dall'AIASP, 2 packets of ALGACARE - 1 bag
Spruhdunger type 27 - 1 packet of type 5 Spruhdunger offered by NewFertil, good spending by € 10 to purchase products on the site Simonetti Srl
Here are some candidate:undecided:


Ok, now I understand this competition.

Funny Project.:D

Greetings Christian
That's a really interesting challenge. I like it, and I'll sign up.
I already bought some table-tennis balls and found out that it's not that easy to make the appropriate holes.
Nevertheless, I'll cultivate some wild varieties in those balls.
that is crazy. Sadly I have no time to participate, I probably will try it during the summer, though!
Order to permit to take part in competition for those who has not yet registered, the AIASP Association directive committe has decided to amend paragraph 3 of the competition rules as follows:

The race starts on 1th April and ends on 31th October (also applies to competitors of the other hemisphere)

prolonging the closing date for the publication of the photos (the other points are confirmed).
Nice update! Your plant looks great!
I'm once again amazed at the adverse surroundings & conditions plants manage to survive in.
If only people were that resilient!

What sort of Chili is it, or is that a secret and we'll have to wait until after the competition? ;)
Pretty amazing! :thumbup:

It's astounding that chilis are able to grow that large, with roots that have only such little space to grow roots!
They even flower, and I'm sure thes will grow pods as well!

It is kind of a crazy competition, but why not? :D
Just keep this thread updated, so we can see how the plants evolve! ;)
Wow :w00t:

The plant looks very healthy.
Its crazy that they can grow up like this in such little ping pong balls :thumbup:
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