Bluesman aus Finnland

Ich war in Kauklathi zufuß waren es ca 15 min da wo ich den Monat gewohnt und gearbeitet hatte mit der Bahn ca 30min von Helsinki.
Hi, now finally you made it to this great forum!

Please check your message box - I sent you a message. I remember last November our seed exchange. I received your letter (and today your message to me here in this forum), did my letter arrive? I sent it out in November.

Over the next months, you will find out that this forum here is a really great forum. The members are great and we got here quite some good amount of professionalism but also of fun! But then again, seeing your full-fledged chili "factory" and your heavy chili production, I don't think you come for professionalism since you have all knowledge already.

When I saw your large plants, I became jealous: I live in the tropical region, and my plants are smaller than yours! Wow! Well done!

Alright, now finally from my side, too: welcome in our nice and friendly forum!
Hallo und Willkommen auch von uns!

Das Glashaus ist echt toll, zum neidisch werden :blink: :)

Aja, wie hoch waren die Pflanzen im zweiten Video? das ist ja schon Dschungelartig! :thumbup:
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