Rocoto Big Brown "Community Sorte"

Meine zu überwinternde Rbb treibt nach dem zurückschneiden vor einigen Wochen im Wintergarten wieder aus.
Die Bambusstäbe habe ich reingesteckt, damit die Katzen sich nicht wieder reinlegen oder beginnen die Erde umzugraben. :roflmao:

You have to talk to @Günter He is the guy who spreaded the seeds here some years ago and is still owning the motherplant we all got our seeds from. Also there is a guy called @Locotofarmer who has a Big Brown variety. Maybe both varieties are identical, i have no idea.
Thanks calium, I also know another similar variety, Rocoto Large Brown, the shape of the fruit is very similar to the Rocoto Big Brown but the flower is different, it is totally purple without white streaks.

The original source is unknown. I've swapped the variety with someone years ago.
Thanks for the info Gunter, you did well to share such an incredibly good and beautiful variety.
This year some flowers of the RBB are white.

Anhang anzeigen 144511

Yes, it is a variation that I have also enslaved on this and other varieties and species of Purple Corolla Clade.:)

The idea that I have made is that the tonality is very influenced by direct solar exposure (minimally even from ambient temperature and ph of the substrate).
In the case of the Rocoto Large Brown, on the other hand, the flower is totally purple, uniform and the shade is very dark.
Moin allen ein frohes Neues Jahr und einen tollen Start in die Saison. Ich habe nochmal die letzten verbliebenen BB Samen aus der letzten Saison eingeweicht, mal sehen ob vielleicht doch noch etwas geht.
Wollte nur Bescheid geben, dass ich dieses Jahr auch dabei bin, sobald mein Saatgut gekeimt ist.
Werde insgesamt 4 der RBB vorbereiten.
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